Phone Cabling

Setting up a new office? Need additional phone jacks? Whatever it may be, the professionals at Don Hegge Electric can help you add, install, repair and service telephone cables. With over 25 years of experience, Don Hegge Electric offers highly skilled phone cabling services for both residential and commercial properties.

Jack of all Trades

When it comes to phone jacks, the wiring can be complicated and confusing. As technology advances, there are more and more options when it comes to selecting your telephone devices. Today, cell phones have become the primary for many, but many have continued to use land lines and we’re here to help take away that confusion.

Residential or Commercial

Residential phone cabling may seem simple, but it is important everything in your home is set up properly and safely. At Don Hegge Electric, we help those at residential properties as well as businesses at commercial properties. If you have any questions regarding your current or new phone system, let us make sure your cabling is set up correctly, efficiently and of course safely.

Request service now by calling one of our specialists and to learn more about how our electricians can help you.